| | [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils | |
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Auteur | Message |
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Mer 22 Jan 2020 - 17:30 | |
| j'ai voulu utiliser DirectOutputConfigTester.exe pour tester mon SSF impactor.
Quand je clique sur "show DirectOuput Frontend" dans table configuration file, il ne trouve aucun fichier.
J'ai essayé avec 2 tables vpx, même résultat.
Vous savez où je peux trouver ces fichiers ? | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Ven 24 Jan 2020 - 13:55 | |
| Problème de potentiomètre résolu !!! Sur ma version, le GND et le +3V sont inversés par rapport à ton schéma @superdimiDonc - Côté 1 broche : GND - Côté 2 broches : PWM à l'extrémité et le +3V au milieu Pour mon rendre compte, j'en ai acheté un nouveau chez Arnoz (donc déjà soudé). Et là que vois-je ???? les fils rouge et noir inversés par rapport à mes soudures de mon premier potentiomètre. Donc potentiellement, mon premier potar fonctionne toujours, je n'ai pas testé. | |
| | | superdimi
Messages : 156 Département : Hainaut
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Ven 24 Jan 2020 - 19:39 | |
| tiens donc... le tien a pourtant fonctionné pendant une heure je crois non ? | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Ven 31 Jan 2020 - 18:28 | |
| Je pense que ma carte mère a rendu l'âme...
Je pense que c'est arrivé au moment où j'ai remis mon playfield dans le pincab (pincab débranché).
La carte mère s'allume, les ventilos tournent, les leds de la carte mère s'allument mais rien sur les écrans (écran noir).
J'ai fais ces tests, si vous avez une autre idée, je suis preneur avant d'acheter une nouvelle carte mère (en espérant que ce soit ça) et donc tout réinstaller (j'ai un Windows OEM) - j'ai enlevé la carte graphique et branché l'écran directement sur la carte mère - j'ai enlevé la pile plus d'une minute - j'ai testé les écrans sur un autre PC (pas de soucis des écrans) - pas pu tester une autre alim car ma seconde alim n'a pas le câble pour alimenter le CPU
Si un sauveur est parmi vous…. | |
| | | superdimi
Messages : 156 Département : Hainaut
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Sam 1 Fév 2020 - 4:59 | |
| ça c'est le genre de problème ennuyeux qui peut être causé par toute sortes de choses... vérifie que tes barrettes de ram sont bien clipsées , et regarde aussi si la carte mère n'est pas en contact avec un autre élément de ton cab qui pourrait causer un court circuit , la carte mère ne fait aucun bip ? ( si le speaker est branché) | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Sam 1 Fév 2020 - 6:19 | |
| Je n'ai pas de speaker. Pour la RAM, j'ai oublié de le préciser mais j'ai fais aussi cette verif | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Dim 2 Fév 2020 - 16:40 | |
| Malheureusement ce n'est pas la carte mère. J'avais 2 problèmes : - mon alim était défectueuse : réglé - ma carte graphique est morte aussi (elle est sous garantie) Donc pour le moment obligé de patienter (et pleurer en voyant toutes les nouvelles tables) que ma carte revienne du SAV. En plus j'ai des LEDs bloquées en Chine. Bref grosse frustration de ne pas pouvoir avancer. EditNouvelle carte graphique reçue, installée et opérationnelle J'ai aussi installé ma ledbar car au matos d'Arnoz (beaucoup plus simple pour moi). J'ai juste abandonné pour le moment le SSF impactor car j'avais une erreur dans mon config.xml. J'ai aussi abandonné Equapo car je n'ai plus de musique (HP du fronton). Pas très grave car le SSF me va déjà très bien. Prochaine étape, l'offrir à mon fils et espérer sa réaction. | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Dim 15 Mar 2020 - 18:03 | |
| Mon fils est super content Par contre, faut que je récupère 2 adaptateurs secteurs 12v pour mes amplis. Pour le moment, ils sont branché sur l'adaptateur alim PC et ça grésille quand j'augmente le son. Comme ce sont mes ampli pour les sons mécaniques, ça rend pas génial. J'espère qu'en les branchant directement sur secteur ce sera mieux. | |
| | | Sebcemoi Admin
Messages : 6203 Département : 94
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Dim 15 Mar 2020 - 18:12 | |
| Salut @Snorky, J’avais le même souci avec une alim atx pour les amplis SSF, en effet avec des blocs secteur ça règle le problème | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Dim 15 Mar 2020 - 18:19 | |
| Merci Sebcemoi.
J'avais lu que quelqu'un avait eu le même souci. Par contre, je trouve bizarre que le site continue de vendre le câble d'alim (à brancher sur une alim à bornier) si on est plusieurs dans le même cas.
EditJe confirme que ça marche beaucoup mieux branché directement sur secteur. Je peux pleinement profiter du SSF!
Par contre, mon fils a réussi à m'expliquer le plunger. En tirant dessus, il a enlevé la goupille qui retient le ressort.
Et comme retiré l'écran c un peu la galère sur mon mini pincab, je ne sais pas si je vais réussir à le remettre via ma petite trappe. | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Ven 20 Mar 2020 - 12:10 | |
| salut Dans la log de mon DOF, j'ai cette erreur. - Code:
2020.03.17 18:41:09.503 Failed: YELLOW 2020.03.17 18:41:09.503 Warning: Cant parse the trigger part YELLOW of the ledcontrol table config setting Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3. 2020.03.17 18:41:09.503 EXCEPTION: Could not parse setting Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3 in column data Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT40 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT80 AW100 AH8 L3/0/W41 Aqua 50 AH100 ADU AS300/W15 Red 700 AT85 AH15 AFDEN40 AFMIN100 AFMAX160/W16 Blue 100 AT80 AH20 ADD AS300/S19|S20 White L13 AT0 AFDEN15 AFMIN10 AFMAX20/W73|W72 Dark_violet L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W71 Red 60 AW100 AH100 ADD AS300/W81|W82|W83|W84|W85 Red M50 MAX50 AH100 ADU AS300/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W52|W62 Blue 100 W300 AH80 ADD AS300 L25. 2020.03.17 18:41:09.503 EXCEPTION: Thread: 2020.03.17 18:41:09.503 EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Cant parse the part YELLOW of the ledcontrol table config setting Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3. 2020.03.17 18:41:09.508 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting.ParseSettingData(String SettingData) 2020.03.17 18:41:09.508 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigColumn.ParseColumnData(String ColumnData, Boolean ThrowExceptions) 2020.03.17 18:41:09.508 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ParseSettingData(System.String) ça parle à quelqu'un ? Second problème, j'ai les 10 dernières leds de ma sidebar qui reste continuellement allumées même sous Windows Merci | |
| | | zedrummer Modérateur
Messages : 7605 Département : 68
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Ven 20 Mar 2020 - 17:03 | |
| Est-ce que ça te fait des problèmes en jeu? Parce que si c'est juste un problème de définition de la couleur jaune, mais que finalement en jeu, ça passe crème, bah... | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Ven 20 Mar 2020 - 17:10 | |
| Non malheureusement, le strip ne s'allume pas.
Je vais essayer sur un autre port de la wemos pour voir. A moins que ce soit un manque de courant.
Je pars de mon alim pc (via adaptateur) puis voltboard puis led.
A la compilation (ou quand je debranche/rebranche câble USB)t s'allume correctement (RGB) | |
| | | zedrummer Modérateur
Messages : 7605 Département : 68
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Ven 20 Mar 2020 - 17:36 | |
| En tout cas, je doute que ça ne soit lié au YELLOW de ton log. Si tu as la séquence de couleurs, ta connexion physique est bonne. Je te dirais comme d'hab de poster une capture de ton DOF Config Tool et surtout de ton cabinet.xml | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Sam 21 Mar 2020 - 10:09 | |
| Salut, Mon DOF : Mon config.xml - Code:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <Cabinet xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <Name>BrawlStars</Name> <OutputControllers> <TeensyStripController> <Name>TeensyStripController</Name> <NumberOfLedsStrip1>188</NumberOfLedsStrip1> <!--backboard, port 1 du dof, d5--> <NumberOfLedsStrip2>72</NumberOfLedsStrip2> <!--sideboard Left, port 4 du dof, d6--> <NumberOfLedsStrip3>72</NumberOfLedsStrip3> <!--sideboard Right, port 7 du dof, d7--> <ComPortName>COM4</ComPortName> <!--Port com pour la wemos/teensy--> </TeensyStripController> </OutputControllers> <Toys> <LedStrip> <Name>Backboard</Name> <!--Nom du toys--> <Width>47</Width> <!--Largeur--> <Height>4</Height> <!--hauteur--> <LedStripArrangement>LeftRightTopDown</LedStripArrangement> <!--Sens des effets--> <ColorOrder>GRB</ColorOrder> <!--Ordre des couleurs--> <FirstLedNumber>1</FirstLedNumber> <!--Demarrage de votre premier bandeau a la led 1--> <FadingCurveName>SwissLizardsLedCurve</FadingCurveName> <OutputControllerName>TeensyStripController</OutputControllerName> </LedStrip> - Code:
<LedStrip> <Name>Sideboard Left</Name> <Width>1</Width> <Height>72</Height> <LedStripArrangement>TopDownLeftRight</LedStripArrangement> <!--Sens des effets--> <ColorOrder>GRB</ColorOrder> <FirstLedNumber>189</FirstLedNumber> <!--Demarrage du deuxieme bandeau a la led 188+1=189--> <FadingCurveName>SwissLizardsLedCurve</FadingCurveName> <OutputControllerName>TeensyStripController</OutputControllerName> </LedStrip> - Code:
<LedStrip> <Name>Sideboard Right</Name> <Width>1</Width> <Height>72</Height> <LedStripArrangement>TopDownLeftRight</LedStripArrangement> <!--Sens des effets--> <ColorOrder>GRB</ColorOrder> <FirstLedNumber>261</FirstLedNumber> <!--Demarrage du troisieme bandeau a la led (188+72=260)+1=261--> <FadingCurveName>SwissLizardsLedCurve</FadingCurveName> <OutputControllerName>TeensyStripController</OutputControllerName> </LedStrip> - Code:
<LedWizEquivalent> <Name>LedWizEquivalent 30</Name> <!--Doit correspondre a votre directoutput.ini--> <Outputs> <LedWizEquivalentOutput> <OutputName>Backboard</OutputName> <LedWizEquivalentOutputNumber>1</LedWizEquivalentOutputNumber> <!--Port 1 sur le dof config tool--> </LedWizEquivalentOutput> <LedWizEquivalentOutput> <OutputName>Sideboard Left</OutputName> <LedWizEquivalentOutputNumber>4</LedWizEquivalentOutputNumber> <!--Port 4 sur le dof config tool--> </LedWizEquivalentOutput> <LedWizEquivalentOutput> <OutputName>Sideboard Right</OutputName> <LedWizEquivalentOutputNumber>7</LedWizEquivalentOutputNumber> <!--Port 7 sur le dof config tool--> </LedWizEquivalentOutput> </Outputs> <LedWizNumber>30</LedWizNumber> </LedWizEquivalent> </Toys> </Cabinet> La log : - Code:
2020.03.21 09:53:06.118 Failed: YELLOW 2020.03.21 09:53:06.118 Warning: Cant parse the trigger part YELLOW of the ledcontrol table config setting Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3. 2020.03.21 09:53:06.118 EXCEPTION: Could not parse setting Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3 in column data Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT40 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT80 AW100 AH8 L3/W41 Aqua 50 AH100 ADU AS300/W15 Red 700 AT85 AH15 AFDEN40 AFMIN100 AFMAX160/W16 Blue 100 AT80 AH20 ADD AS300/S19|S20 White L13 AT0 AFDEN15 AFMIN10 AFMAX20/W73|W72 Dark_violet L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W71 Red 60 AW100 AH100 ADD AS300/W81|W82|W83|W84|W85 Red M50 MAX50 AH100 ADU AS300/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W52|W62 Blue 100 W300 AH80 ADD AS300 L25. 2020.03.21 09:53:06.118 EXCEPTION: Thread: 2020.03.21 09:53:06.118 EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Cant parse the part YELLOW of the ledcontrol table config setting Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3. 2020.03.21 09:53:06.118 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting.ParseSettingData(String SettingData) 2020.03.21 09:53:06.118 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigColumn.ParseColumnData(String ColumnData, Boolean ThrowExceptions) 2020.03.21 09:53:06.118 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ParseSettingData(System.String) Par contre, ce qui est étrange c'est que le nombre de led et la couleur a changé ce matin. LED52 : vert LED53 et LED54 : éteinte LED55 : jaune LED56 : rouge LED57 : bleu LED58 : vert LED59 à LED68 : éteinte LED69 : vert LED70 et LED71 : jaune LED72 : éteinte ça vous parle ? Merci | |
| | | zedrummer Modérateur
Messages : 7605 Département : 68
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Sam 21 Mar 2020 - 10:41 | |
| Il suffit d'une petite surtension pour que les ledstrips s'allument, j'ai la même chose à la maison. Tout ceci m'a l'air OK... Envoie le LOG complet, STP | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Dim 22 Mar 2020 - 13:45 | |
| salut @zedrummervoici ma log - Code:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DirectOutput Version 3.1.7250.32737, built 2019.11.07 18:11 MJR Grander Unified DOF R3++ edition feat. Djrobx, Rambo3, and Freezy DOF created by SwissLizard | https://github.com/mjrgh/DirectOutput 2020.03.22 13:41:34.928 DirectOutput Logger initialized 2020.03.22 13:41:34.910 Global config filename is "C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml" 2020.03.22 13:41:34.928 Global config loaded from: C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml 2020.03.22 13:41:34.928 Loading Pinball parts 2020.03.22 13:41:34.928 Loading cabinet 2020.03.22 13:41:34.930 Will load cabinet config file: C:\DirectOutput\config\cabinet.xml 2020.03.22 13:41:35.021 1 output controller defnitions and 4 toy definitions loaded from cabinet config. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.021 Cabinet config file has AutoConfig feature enabled. Calling AutoConfig. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.022 Cabinet auto configuration started 2020.03.22 13:41:35.045 Detected and added Pinscape Controller Nr. 1 with name Pinscape Controller 01 2020.03.22 13:41:35.045 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 51 with name Pinscape Controller 01 Equivalent for Pinscape Controller Nr. 1, 32 2020.03.22 13:41:35.050 PhilipsHueAutoConfigurator.AutoConfig started...note, actual connection detection will happen asynchronously, and device disabled if not succesfull (check further down in the log) 2020.03.22 13:41:35.056 LedWiz-like device at VID=64250, PID=247, product string=Pinscape Controller, manufacturer string=mjrnet 2020.03.22 13:41:35.056 HID caps: usage page=1, usage=4, number of link collection nodes=1, output report byte length=9 2020.03.22 13:41:35.058 LedWiz-like device at VID=49396, PID=432, product string=usb keyboard, manufacturer string=USB 2020.03.22 13:41:35.060 LedWiz-like device at VID=49396, PID=432, product string=usb keyboard, manufacturer string=USB 2020.03.22 13:41:35.062 Opening 32-bit LedWiz driver... 2020.03.22 13:41:35.062 Detected and added LedWiz Nr. 8 with name LedWiz 08 2020.03.22 13:41:35.062 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 8 with name LedWiz 08 Equivalent for Ledwiz Nr. 8 2020.03.22 13:41:35.065 Cabinet auto configuration finished 2020.03.22 13:41:35.065 Autoconfig complete. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.065 Cabinet config loaded successfully from C:\DirectOutput\config\cabinet.xml 2020.03.22 13:41:35.065 Cabinet loaded 2020.03.22 13:41:35.065 Loading table config 2020.03.22 13:41:35.067 Warning: No table config file found. Will try to load config from LedControl file(s). 2020.03.22 13:41:35.067 Will try to load configs from DirectOutput.ini or LedControl.ini file(s) for RomName afm_113b 2020.03.22 13:41:35.068 Loading LedControl file C:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig.ini 2020.03.22 13:41:35.072 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig.ini 2020.03.22 13:41:35.263 Loading LedControl file C:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig30.ini 2020.03.22 13:41:35.286 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig30.ini 2020.03.22 13:41:35.674 Failed: YELLOW 2020.03.22 13:41:35.674 Warning: Cant parse the trigger part YELLOW of the ledcontrol table config setting Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.675 EXCEPTION: Could not parse setting Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3 in column data Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT40 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT80 AW100 AH8 L3/W41 Aqua 50 AH100 ADU AS300/W15 Red 700 AT85 AH15 AFDEN40 AFMIN100 AFMAX160/W16 Blue 100 AT80 AH20 ADD AS300/S19|S20 White L13 AT0 AFDEN15 AFMIN10 AFMAX20/W73|W72 Dark_violet L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W71 Red 60 AW100 AH100 ADD AS300/W81|W82|W83|W84|W85 Red M50 MAX50 AH100 ADU AS300/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W52|W62 Blue 100 W300 AH80 ADD AS300 L25. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.675 EXCEPTION: Thread: 2020.03.22 13:41:35.675 EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Cant parse the part YELLOW of the ledcontrol table config setting Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting.ParseSettingData(String SettingData) 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigColumn.ParseColumnData(String ColumnData, Boolean ThrowExceptions) 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ParseSettingData(System.String) 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 Failed: YELLOW 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 Warning: Cant parse the trigger part YELLOW of the ledcontrol table config setting Yellow AL0 AT40 AW100 AH8 L3. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Could not parse setting Yellow AL0 AT40 AW100 AH8 L3 in column data Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT40 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT80 AW100 AH8 L3/W41 Aqua 50 AH100 ADU AS300/W15 Red 700 AT85 AH15 AFDEN40 AFMIN100 AFMAX160/W16 Blue 100 AT80 AH20 ADD AS300/S19|S20 White L13 AT0 AFDEN15 AFMIN10 AFMAX20/W73|W72 Dark_violet L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W71 Red 60 AW100 AH100 ADD AS300/W81|W82|W83|W84|W85 Red M50 MAX50 AH100 ADU AS300/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W52|W62 Blue 100 W300 AH80 ADD AS300 L25. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Thread: 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Cant parse the part YELLOW of the ledcontrol table config setting Yellow AL0 AT40 AW100 AH8 L3. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting.ParseSettingData(String SettingData) 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigColumn.ParseColumnData(String ColumnData, Boolean ThrowExceptions) 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ParseSettingData(System.String) 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 Failed: YELLOW 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 Warning: Cant parse the trigger part YELLOW of the ledcontrol table config setting Yellow AL0 AT80 AW100 AH8 L3. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Could not parse setting Yellow AL0 AT80 AW100 AH8 L3 in column data Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT40 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT80 AW100 AH8 L3/W41 Aqua 50 AH100 ADU AS300/W15 Red 700 AT85 AH15 AFDEN40 AFMIN100 AFMAX160/W16 Blue 100 AT80 AH20 ADD AS300/S19|S20 White L13 AT0 AFDEN15 AFMIN10 AFMAX20/W73|W72 Dark_violet L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W71 Red 60 AW100 AH100 ADD AS300/W81|W82|W83|W84|W85 Red M50 MAX50 AH100 ADU AS300/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W52|W62 Blue 100 W300 AH80 ADD AS300 L25. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Thread: 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Cant parse the part YELLOW of the ledcontrol table config setting Yellow AL0 AT80 AW100 AH8 L3. 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting.ParseSettingData(String SettingData) 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigColumn.ParseColumnData(String ColumnData, Boolean ThrowExceptions) 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ParseSettingData(System.String) 2020.03.22 13:41:35.676 Warning: Previous exceptions occured in the line dm,W86 Yellow AH100 AL20 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L1/W63 Green AH100 AL20 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterM L1/W64 Green AH100 AL40 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterT L1/W65 Green AH100 AL60 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterL L1/W43 Blue 10 AT0 AL0 AH20 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/W43 Blue 10 AT0 AL60 AH20 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/W43 Blue 10 AT80 AL0 AH20 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/W43 Blue 10 AT80 AL60 AH20 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/W45 Red 10 AT20 AL0 AH20 AW38 AS400 ADL L25/W45 Red 10 AT20 AL62 AH20 AW38 AS400 ADR L25/W45 Red 10 AT60 AL0 AH20 AW38 AS400 ADL L25/W45 Red 10 AT60 AL62 AH20 AW38 AS400 ADR L25/W44 Green 10 AT40 AL0 AH20 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/W44 Green 10 AT40 AL65 AH20 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/W44 Green 10 AT40 AL0 AH20 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/W44 Green 10 AT40 AL65 AH20 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/W43|W44|W45 Navy AL42 AW16 AT0 AH100 SHPCircle3 L2/W77 Red AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19/W77 Red AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19/W63|W64|W65 Light_blue AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 SHPPointPlop/W63|W64|W65 Light_blue AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 SHPPointPlop/W73 Dark_violet L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W71|W72|S7|W87 Orange_red FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W71|W72|S7|W87 Orange_red FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W71|W72|S7|W87 Orange_red W200 FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W71|W72|S7|W87 Orange_red W200 FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W71|W72|S7|W87 White W300 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W71|W72|S7|W87 White W150 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W71|W72|S7|W87 White AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W71|W72|S7|W87 White W150 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W71|W72|S7|W87 White W300 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W53|S2 Purple L4 AT0 APCBlue/W53|S2 White L5 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W66 Dark_violet L11 AT0 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDL/W66 Blue L12 AT0 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDL W500/W66 Dark_violet L11 AT80 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDR/W66 Blue L12 AT80 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDR W500/W66 White L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W56|W57|W58|W38|W78 Yellow 200 Blink BPW30 AL40 AW20 AS400 ADU/W55|W46 Blue 100 AL30 AT80 AH20 AW70 AS400 ADR L25/W55|W61|W51 Blue 100 AL0 AT80 AH20 AW70 AS400 ADL L2/S18 Aqua 2000 4 AL20 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterC L1/S18 Aqua 2000 4 AL35 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterR L1/S18 Aqua 2000 4 AL50 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterY L1/S18 Aqua 2000 4 AL65 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterO L1/S18 White 2000 4 W250 AL20 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterC L2/S18 White 2000 4 W250 AL35 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterL L2/S18 White 2000 4 W250 AL50 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterA L2/S18 White 2000 4 W250 AL65 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterW L2/W81 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterC L3/W81 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterA L3/W81 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterT L3/W81 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterC L3/W81 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterH L3/W81 Red 1000 2 W250 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterS L4/W81 Red 1000 2 W250 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterI L4/W81 Red 1000 2 W250 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterM L4/W81 Red 1000 2 W250 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterO L4/W81 Red 1000 2 W250 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterN L4/W82 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterS L3/W82 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterU L3/W82 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterP L3/W82 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterE L3/W82 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterR L3/W82 Red 1000 2 W250 AL20 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterJ L4/W82 Red 1000 2 W250 AL35 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterE L4/W82 Red 1000 2 W250 AL50 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterT L4/W82 Red 1000 2 W250 AL65 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterS L4/W83 Red 1000 2 AL5 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterP L3/W83 Red 1000 2 AL20 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterR L3/W83 Red 1000 2 AL35 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterI L3/W83 Red 1000 2 AL50 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterS L3/W83 Red 1000 2 AL65 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterO L3/W83 Red 1000 2 AL80 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterN L3/W83 Red 1000 2 W250 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterB L4/W83 Red 1000 2 W250 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterR L4/W83 Red 1000 2 W250 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterE L4/W83 Red 1000 2 W250 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterA L4/W83 Red 1000 2 W250 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterK L4/W84 Red 1000 2 AL20 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterB L3/W84 Red 1000 2 AL35 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterA L3/W84 Red 1000 2 AL50 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterL L3/W84 Red 1000 2 AL65 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterL L3/W84 Red 1000 2 W250 AL5 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterF L4/W84 Red 1000 2 W250 AL20 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterR L4/W84 Red 1000 2 W250 AL35 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterO L4/W84 Red 1000 2 W250 AL50 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterZ L4/W84 Red 1000 2 W250 AL65 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterE L3/W84 Red 1000 2 W250 AL80 AT0 AH100 AW10 SHPLetterN L4/W85 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterA L3/W85 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterC L3/W85 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterM L3/W85 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterA L3/W85 Red 1000 2 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterG L3//S18|W38|W58|W57|W56|W78 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 500 L0/S18|W38|W58|W57|W56|W78 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 500 L0,Yellow AL0 AT10 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT40 AW100 AH8 L3/ Yellow AL0 AT80 AW100 AH8 L3/W41 Aqua 50 AH100 ADU AS300/W15 Red 700 AT85 AH15 AFDEN40 AFMIN100 AFMAX160/W16 Blue 100 AT80 AH20 ADD AS300/S19|S20 White L13 AT0 AFDEN15 AFMIN10 AFMAX20/W73|W72 Dark_violet L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W71 Red 60 AW100 AH100 ADD AS300/W81|W82|W83|W84|W85 Red M50 MAX50 AH100 ADU AS300/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W66 Dark_violet 80 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W78 Yellow 40 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W52|W62 Blue 100 W300 AH80 ADD AS300 L25,W38 Yellow AL0 AT40 AW100 AH8 L3/W42 Aqua 50 AH100 ADU AS300/W18 Red 700 AT85 AH15 AFDEN40 AFMIN100 AFMAX160/W17 Blue 100 AT80 AH20 ADD AS300/W27 Navy AT72 AH15 F200 ADU AS200 BLINK 1000 BPW20/W27 Navy AT72 AH15 F200 ADD AS200 BLINK 1000 BPW20 W500/W27 Aqua L0 APCRed AL0 AW100 AT85 AH15/W48 Aqua 50 AH100 ADU AS300/S19|S20 White L13 AT0 AFDEN15 AFMIN10 AFMAX20/W73|W72 Dark_violet L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W71 Red 60 AW100 AH100 ADD AS300/W81|W82|W83|W84|W85 Red M50 MAX50 AH100 ADU AS300/W57|W58|W38 Yellow 40 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADU L25/W57|W58|W38 Yellow 40 AT50 AL0 AH10 AW100 AS400 ADD L25/W47 Blue 100 W300 AH80 ADD AS300 L25 of the ledcontrol file 2020.03.22 13:41:36.020 Failed: FD800 2020.03.22 13:41:36.020 Warning: Cant parse the trigger part FD800 of the ledcontrol table config setting fd800 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L13. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.020 EXCEPTION: Could not parse setting fd800 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L13 in column data S18 Red AH100 AL0 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L5/S27 White AH100 AL0 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L6/S29 Red AH100 AL0 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L7/S16 White AH100 AL0 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L8/S30 Yellow AH100 AL20 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L9/S31 White AH100 AL20 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L10/W17 White f200 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L11/S1 Red AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L12/ fd800 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L13/S11 Red AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L14/S25 White AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L15/W18 Yellow f200 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L16/S28 White AH100 AL60 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L17/S30 Yellow AH100 AL60 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L18/S32 White AH100 AL60 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L19/W19 White f200 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L20/S16 White AH100 AL80 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L21/S20 Red AH100 AL80 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L22/S26 Yellow AH100 AL80 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L23/S9 Red AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19/S9 Red AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19//S5 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L0/S5 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L0/S7 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L1/S7 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L1/S14 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L2/S14 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L2/W25 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 500 10 L3/W25 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 500 10 L3/W41 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 500 10 L4/W41 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 500 10 L4. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.020 EXCEPTION: Thread: 2020.03.22 13:41:36.020 EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Cant parse the part FD800 of the ledcontrol table config setting fd800 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L13. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.020 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting.ParseSettingData(String SettingData) 2020.03.22 13:41:36.020 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace: à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigColumn.ParseColumnData(String ColumnData, Boolean ThrowExceptions) 2020.03.22 13:41:36.020 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ParseSettingData(System.String) 2020.03.22 13:41:36.021 Warning: Previous exceptions occured in the line gs,S18 Red AH100 AL0 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L5/S27 White AH100 AL0 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L6/S29 Red AH100 AL0 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L7/S16 White AH100 AL0 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L8/S30 Yellow AH100 AL20 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L9/S31 White AH100 AL20 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L10/W17 White f200 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L11/S1 Red AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L12/ fd800 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L13/S11 Red AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L14/S25 White AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L15/W18 Yellow f200 AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L16/S28 White AH100 AL60 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L17/S30 Yellow AH100 AL60 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L18/S32 White AH100 AL60 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L19/W19 White f200 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L20/S16 White AH100 AL80 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L21/S20 Red AH100 AL80 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L22/S26 Yellow AH100 AL80 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L23/S9 Red AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19/S9 Red AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19//S5 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L0/S5 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L0/S7 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L1/S7 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L1/S14 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L2/S14 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L2/W25 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 500 10 L3/W25 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 500 10 L3/W41 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 500 10 L4/W41 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 500 10 L4,S17 Red AT0 AH12 L0/S27 White f100 AT0 AH12 L1/S29 Red f100 AT0 AH12 L2/S16 White AT0 AH12 L3/W33 Green f50 AT0 AH12 L4/W34 Green f50 AT0 AH12 L5/W35 Green f50 AT0 AH12 L6/W36 Green f50 AT0 AH12 L7/W37 Green f50 AT0 AH12 L8,S16 White f100 AT0 AH12 L0/S19 Red AT0 AH12 L1/S26 Yellow f100 AT0 AH12 L2/W29 Blue f50 AT0 AH12 L3/W30 Blue f50 AT0 AH12 L4/W31 Blue f50 AT0 AH12 L5/W32 Blue f50 AT0 AH12 L6/W14 Red AT85 AH15 FU250 FD270 BLINK 500 of the ledcontrol file 2020.03.22 13:41:36.761 Loading LedControl file C:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig51.ini 2020.03.22 13:41:36.762 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig51.ini 2020.03.22 13:41:36.874 3 directoutputconfig.ini or ledcontrol.ini files loaded. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.876 Config for RomName afm_113b exists in LedControl data. Updating cabinet and config. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.961 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.965 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.965 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.965 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 20, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 20, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 40, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 40, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 40, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 40, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.966 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.968 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.969 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30 2020.03.22 13:41:36.970 Table config loading finished: romname=afm_113b, tablename=AttackFromMars 2020.03.22 13:41:36.971 Pinball parts loaded 2020.03.22 13:41:36.971 Starting processes 2020.03.22 13:41:36.971 Initializing cabinet 2020.03.22 13:41:36.971 Debug: Initializing output controllers 2020.03.22 13:41:36.978 TeensyStripController TeensyStripController intialized and updater thread started. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.979 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 intialized and updater thread started. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.979 Debug: Initializing LedWiz Nr. 08 2020.03.22 13:41:36.979 TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread started. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.979 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread started. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.979 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread has connected to Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.980 LedWiz Nr. 08 initialized and updater thread initialized. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.980 Debug: Output controllers initialized 2020.03.22 13:41:36.981 Updater thread for LedWiz 08 started. 2020.03.22 13:41:36.984 Cabinet initialized 2020.03.22 13:41:36.985 Loading shape definition file: C:\DirectOutput\config\DirectOutputShapes.xml 2020.03.22 13:41:37.011 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:3, Width:9, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.013 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:3, Width:9, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.029 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 9, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.030 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:3, Width:9, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:3, Width:9, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 9, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:3, Width:9, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:3, Width:9, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 9, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:3, Width:9, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:3, Width:9, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 9, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 9, Top:0, Right:18, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 9, Top:0, Right:18, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 9, Top:0, Right:18, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.031 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 9, Top:0, Right:18, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 18, Top:0, Right:27, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 18, Top:0, Right:27, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 18, Top:0, Right:27, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 18, Top:0, Right:27, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 18, Top:0, Right:27, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 18, Top:0, Right:27, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 18, Top:0, Right:27, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 18, Top:0, Right:27, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:37, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.032 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:37, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:37, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:37, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:37, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:37, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:37, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:37, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:37, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:37, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 37, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.033 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 37, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 37, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 37, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 37, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 37, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 37, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 37, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 37, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 37, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:10, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:4, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:66, W:5, H:33), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:2, Right:30, Bottom:3, Width:3, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:73, T:66, W:5, H:33), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 34, Top:2, Right:36, Bottom:3, Width:3, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:15, H:66), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:35, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:75, T:0, W:15, H:66), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 35, Top:0, Right:42, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:68, T:0, W:15, H:66), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 31, Top:0, Right:39, Bottom:2, Width:9, Height:3) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.034 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:23, Bottom:3, Width:24, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.035 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:0, W:50, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 23, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:24, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.035 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:66, W:9, H:33), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:2, Right:4, Bottom:3, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.035 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:25, T:66, W:10, H:33), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 11, Top:2, Right:16, Bottom:3, Width:6, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.035 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixFlickerEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:30, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:14, Bottom:3, Width:15, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.035 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixFlickerEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:70, T:0, W:30, H:100), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 32, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:3, Width:15, Height:4) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.035 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.035 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.035 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.036 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.037 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:4, H:47), ResultArea(Left: 42, Top:0, Right:46, Bottom:1, Width:5, Height:2) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 5, H:2, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:65, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:46, Right:0, Bottom:57, Width:1, Height:12) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:70, W:100, H:20), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:50, Right:0, Bottom:64, Width:1, Height:15) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:15, W:100, H:8), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:10, Right:0, Bottom:16, Width:1, Height:7) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:6), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:4, Width:1, Height:5) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:80), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:57, Width:1, Height:58) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:35, W:100, H:8), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:25, Right:0, Bottom:30, Width:1, Height:6) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:7, W:100, H:6), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:5, Right:0, Bottom:9, Width:1, Height:5) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:15, W:100, H:6), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:10, Right:0, Bottom:15, Width:1, Height:6) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:65, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:46, Right:0, Bottom:57, Width:1, Height:12) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:70, W:100, H:20), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:50, Right:0, Bottom:64, Width:1, Height:15) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:10, W:100, H:90), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:7, Right:0, Bottom:71, Width:1, Height:65) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:80, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:57, Right:0, Bottom:64, Width:1, Height:8) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:80, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:57, Right:0, Bottom:64, Width:1, Height:8) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:80), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:57, Width:1, Height:58) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.038 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:80), Matrix(W:72, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:57, Width:1, Height:58) 2020.03.22 13:41:37.047 Framework initialized. 2020.03.22 13:41:37.047 Have fun! :) 2020.03.22 13:41:42.426 TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread has connected to TeensyStripController TeensyStripController. 2020.03.22 13:42:11.642 Finishing framework 2020.03.22 13:42:11.645 Finishing cabinet 2020.03.22 13:42:11.646 Debug: Finishing output controllers 2020.03.22 13:42:11.893 TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread has disconnected from TeensyStripController TeensyStripController and will terminate. 2020.03.22 13:42:11.893 TeensyStripController TeensyStripController finished and updater thread stopped. 2020.03.22 13:42:11.895 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread has disconnected from Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 and will terminate. 2020.03.22 13:42:11.895 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 finished and updater thread stopped. 2020.03.22 13:42:11.895 Debug: Finishing LedWiz Nr. 08 2020.03.22 13:42:11.896 Updater thread for LedWiz 08 terminated. 2020.03.22 13:42:11.898 LedWiz Nr. 08 finished and updater thread stopped. 2020.03.22 13:42:11.898 Debug: Output controllers finished 2020.03.22 13:42:11.898 Cabinet finished 2020.03.22 13:42:11.898 DirectOutput framework finished. 2020.03.22 13:42:11.898 Bye and thanks for using! 2020.03.22 13:42:18.358 Debug: Disposing LedWiz instance 08.
Tu vois un truc ? PS : today, LED allumé de la 51 à la 72... | |
| | | zedrummer Modérateur
Messages : 7605 Département : 68
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Dim 22 Mar 2020 - 17:46 | |
| Non je ne vois rien Je suppose que ton directoutpuconfig.ini c'est pour une KL25Z, ton directoutputconfig30.ini, c'est pour ta WEMOS, mais le directoutputconfig51.ini, c'est quoi? Le pastis? | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Dim 22 Mar 2020 - 18:06 | |
| La 51 c'est la pinscape pour les boutons start et Fire J'ai une UPC, faut pas la déclarer comme une pinscape ? Je n'ai pas de directoutput.ini (sans numéro) | |
| | | zedrummer Modérateur
Messages : 7605 Département : 68
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Dim 22 Mar 2020 - 19:38 | |
| Je n'ai pas d'UPC, je ne sais pas du tout comment ça marche, désolé. Tu dois bien avoir une directoutputconfig.ini: - Code:
2020.03.22 13:41:35.068 Loading LedControl file C:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig.ini 2020.03.22 13:41:35.072 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig.ini | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Dim 29 Mar 2020 - 16:29 | |
| Salut
J'ai changé de port sur le DOF (le 10). J'ai toujours les LEDs 52 à 72 allumées en permanence.
Par contre les LEDs 1 à 51 fonctionnent bien avec le DOF.
Donc soit un problème d'alimentation de mon strip soit un problème sur mon strip. | |
| | | Jérome59
Messages : 61 Département : 59
| Sujet: Probleme ecran noir Lun 22 Mar 2021 - 22:45 | |
| Bonjour j'ai le même problème d'écran noir pas de bip au démarrage, ventilateur du processeur qui s'emballe Comment étre sur que c'est la carte mère? merci | |
| | | Snorky
Messages : 454 Département : 95
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Mar 23 Mar 2021 - 8:18 | |
| Salut
Dans mon cas c'était la carte graphique. Sur ma carte mère j'ai des LEDs pour m'indiquer sir ram, proc sont ok.
As-tu une autre carte graphique sous la main ? | |
| | | Jérome59
Messages : 61 Département : 59
| Sujet: Re: [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils Mar 23 Mar 2021 - 19:54 | |
| ma carte graphique n'est pas montée, c'est la carte de la carte mère je vais faire un retour de mon pc | |
| | | | [WIP] 100% Mini pincab pour mon fils | |
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