ok merci
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donc en mettant comme ca ca devrait etre bon ( les ????? , il me manque les branchements, comment je connecte le combo ( fils vert et marron ? ) ):
' -----------------------------------
' Led Channel (port) Settings
' Valid Values are from 1 to 32
' Use 0 for no output
' -----------------------------------
'Left Flasher
FlasherLeftR.Channel = 17
FlasherLeftG.Channel = 18
FlasherLeftB.Channel = 19
'Center Left Flasher
FlasherCenterLeftR.Channel = 20
FlasherCenterLeftG.Channel = 21
FlasherCenterLeftB.Channel = 22
'Center Flasher
FlasherCenterR.Channel = 23
FlasherCenterG.Channel = 24
FlasherCenterB.Channel = 25
'Center Right Flasher
FlasherCenterRightR.Channel = 2
FlasherCenterRightG.Channel = 3
FlasherCenterRightB.Channel = 4
'Right Flasher
FlasherRightR.Channel = 5
FlasherRightG.Channel = 6
FlasherRightB.Channel = 7
'Flipper Flasher
FlasherFlippersR.Channel = 0
FlasherFlippersG.Channel = 0
FlasherFlippersB.Channel = 0
'Flipper Effects
FlipperEffectLeft.Channel = 0
FlipperEffectRight.Channel = 0
'Misc feedback
BumperBackLeft.Channel = 0
BumperBackRight.Channel = 0
BumperBackCenter.Channel = 0
BumperBackEnd.Channel = 0
GearMotor.Channel = ?????????
ReplayKnocker.Channel = 0
ShakerMotor.Channel = ?????????
SlingshotLeft.Channel = 0
SlingshotRight.Channel = 0
Stroboscope.Channel = 0
'Misc LEDs
LEDStartButton.Channel = 0
LEDLaunchBallButton.Channel = 0
LEDCoin.Channel = 0
' -----------------------------------
' Power Settings
' Values can be from 1 to 48
' -----------------------------------
'Left Flasher
FlasherLeftR.Power = 48
FlasherLeftG.Power = 48
FlasherLeftB.Power = 48
'Center Left Flasher
FlasherCenterLeftR.Power = 48
FlasherCenterLeftG.Power = 48
FlasherCenterLeftB.Power = 48
'Center Flasher
FlasherCenterR.Power = 48
FlasherCenterG.Power = 48
FlasherCenterB.Power = 48
'Center Right Flasher
FlasherCenterRightR.Power = 48
FlasherCenterRightG.Power = 48
FlasherCenterRightB.Power = 48
'Right Flasher
FlasherRightR.Power = 48
FlasherRightG.Power = 48
FlasherRightB.Power = 48
'Flipper Flasher
FlasherFlippersR.Power = 0
FlasherFlippersG.Power = 0
FlasherFlippersB.Power = 0
'Flipper Effects
FlipperEffectLeft.Power = 0
FlipperEffectRight.Power = 0
'Misc feedback
BumperBackLeft.Power = 0
BumperBackRight.Power = 0
BumperBackCenter.Power = 0
BumperBackEnd.Power = 0
GearMotor.Power = ??????????
ReplayKnocker.Power = 0
ShakerMotor.Power = ??????????
SlingshotLeft.Power = 0
SlingshotRight.Power = 0
Stroboscope.Power = 0
'Misc LEDs
LEDStartButton.Power = 0
LEDLaunchBallButton.Power = 0
LEDCoin.Power = 0
' -----------------------------------
' Misc Settings
' -----------------------------------
' use 0 for manual blinking,
' (software will flash strobe)
' use 1 for a stoboscope that
' flashes automatically
Stroboscope.AutoStrobe = 0
comment je connecte le combo ( fils vert et marron ? )
cablage du 12v et du gnd :
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]je prefere avoir votre avis
plutot que de cramer le matos pour une connerie